Join the Library

Become a library member today
Glasgow Life libraries are buzzing and friendly spaces that bring together the whole community.
Visiting your local library is a brilliant way to stay connected with everything happening right on your doorstep.
You can apply for a membership in-person at any library. You will need to bring Proof of Address which can be one of the following documents:
- A utility bill
- An official letter received by post
- A rental contract
- Any official correspondence
While we don’t require a photo ID, a driving licence is an acceptable form of address verification. We also understand that many people no longer receive paper bills, so we are happy to accept proof shown on your phone.
If you're unable to provide proof of address right away, you can still join with a temporary 28-day membership. Simply return with your proof of address within that period, and we’ll upgrade you to a full membership.

You can also apply for a membership online
You can join Glasgow Life Libraries online and start exploring our extensive eLibrary right away.
Once you're a member, you'll have access to: eBooks (digital books), Audiobooks (books you can listen to), eMagazines, eResources (for study and work), and much more!