11 July 2024

1335 new recycling bins across Glasgow Life

Several pallets of new bins in stacks, wrapped in plastic, on a tarmac area next to a large truck

As part of Glasgow Life's investment proposals, we made a commitment to replace the internal recycling bins throughout our venues. The existing bins were almost 10 years old and, being part metal, were showing signs of rust, especially in wetside areas of our pools. They were no longer fit for purpose. 

We committed to replace 1335 bins with a planned programme coordinated by our Facilities Management Assistant and assistance from colleagues across Glasgow Life and City Building Glasgow. The process took a total of three months to complete.

With the new bins in our venues, we were able to gift 85 bins to be reused by Education and a further 30 to a local allotment organisation, with the remainder being sent to a specialist recycling plant to reuse the metal, saving of 236,880 units of carbon.

Find out more about the Facilities Management team's sustainability work, and how you can get involved on their intranet pages or by contacting sustainability@glasgowlife.org.uk.