Free 'ask the expert' event for parents and carers on Monday 8 July

The Glasgow Convention Bureau team is supporting 1000 of the world's leading scientists studying baby and toddler development as they come to Glasgow in July for their International Congress of Infant Studies.
To say thank you to the city for hosting the event, the scientists are holding a free 'ask the expert' event for parents and carers at Glasgow Science Centre, Monday 8 July, 3pm to 5pm.
Have you ever wondered how your baby learns new things?
Do you want to learn how best to encourage your child to walk or talk, or promote good sleep?
This event will give parents and carers with 0-3-year-old infants, the opportunity to ask experts about their child's development in an open, accessible way - ranging from screens and sleep, to language and feeding. If you have questions or would just like to hear the latest on how baby and toddler brains develop, then please come along.
The event will also feature talks from Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, a world-famous innovator in playful learning, and from Anne Wood, the creator of Teletubbies and In the Night Garden. There will also be a theatre show from Dr Caspar Addyman based on his book series 'Babies Laugh'.
To find our more and register for this free event visit: