15 December 2023

Glasgow Life Hybrid Working Guidelines

Banner with graphic of a checklist, arrows and speech bubbles with text Colleague update

At Glasgow Life, we want to support our colleagues to do their best work, have a good work/life balance, work flexibly while staying connected and doing the best work for our customers.

Many of us found that how and where we worked changed radically during the pandemic, based on government guidelines. Expectations about what work looks like changed as we continued to recover after Covid 19, and we know that flexibility and choice are important and what works for some teams won't work as well for others.

The Glasgow Life Hybrid Working Guidelines were developed as a recommendation by a listening group on hybrid working that was set up following the leadership and management development programme in early 2023. The guidelines set out a framework for hybrid working and look at ways of working to support everyone to stay connected and work in their best way.

The guidelines are available now on the Colleague information page of our website.

We know that the guidelines won't work for, or be available to, all colleagues. It will depend on the kind of work you do, the part of Glasgow Life you work in, the level of supervision or support you and your team need in your role, levels of physical cover required, and the technology and environment you have available to you. Please speak to your line manager if you have any questions.