Glasgow Life Libraries CoderDojos at Coolest Projects

Coolest Projects is a celebration of young digital creators and the amazing things they make with technology. Originally a yearly event in Dublin, it now includes an annual online showcase with participants from around the world and in-person Coolest Projects events in several countries.
This year 10 young coders from Glasgow Life Libraries CoderDojo clubs took part. Shivam and Felicia, with the help of their parents, successfully applied to attend the UK event in Bradford in May and were each awarded a £100 travel bursary towards the cost of attending.
Shivam, aged 9, who has been attending The Mitchell Library CoderDojo for two years, entered a BitBot robot that was controlled by a micro:bit.
Felicia, also aged 9, has been part of the Creative Coding for Girls sessions at The Mitchell since they began. She used her Scratch programming skills to create a compendium project that lets the player choose from multiple games.
Meanwhile CoderDojo attendees Ahmed, Jack, Khadeejah, Matthew, Maya, Samuel, Timothy and Zohanna all submitted projects to the Coolest Projects online showcase. One young coder attends the Knightswood Library Dojo, two attend Dojos at The Mitchell and no fewer than five are from Springburn Library Dojo. Their ages range from 8 to 14 years old.
All of our CoderDojo clubs rely on the work of our fantastic volunteer mentors who help our young coders gain the skills and confidence they need to bring their ideas to life.