19 March 2024

Help shape Glasgow's Community Learning & Development Plan 2024-27

A group of people sitting at computers in a classroom

Glasgow's Community Learning & Development (CLD) Plan sets out the city's priorities for a range of services including, adult learning, youth work, family learning, Glasgow residents and community groups.  

Learning providers across the city produce a CLD Plan every three years. The next plan for 2024-2027 will be published in October this year. This is your opportunity to feed into the plan and help shape the priorities.

Please take a few minutes to complete a CLD survey to share your views at:


The survey will close on Sunday 14 April 2024.

To view the current plan and find out more about CLD in the city please visit the Glasgow's Learning web pages at: https://www.glasgowlife.org.uk/glasgows-learning.