18 April 2023

Introducing GlasGowGreener - our new sustainability campaign

A graphic of leaves inside a lightbulb with text 'Glasgow Greener'

Welcome to GlasGowGreener – the first in a series of monthly updates about our new sustainability campaign which aims to help us all play our part in supporting Glasgow Life’s climate actions.

GlasGowGreener has an exciting programme ahead. It will feature a monthly competition to encourage you to show how you are getting involved in activities and initiatives that boost our green credentials and help Glasgow reach its net zero goals.

Throughout our year-long campaign, we’ll provide inspiration on ways you can make a difference. We’ll also be looking for your ideas and suggestions to inspire others to take action that reflects our commitment to a more sustainable future. And we’ll be recognising and rewarding the efforts of teams and individual colleagues.

Competition time!

Each month, our GlasGowGreener competition will have a different theme. Talk to your colleagues about how your team can get involved. Then send us details of the ways you’ve worked together to respond to each monthly challenge. If you take part in all of these, you’ll have more chances of winning a prize as we’ll be selecting the best contributions, and celebrating all the work done through the year, at a special conference and awards ceremony next summer.

Our April challenge is easy! All you need to do is provide a few details to get your team started. Complete the information below and send your entry to sustainability@glasgowlife.org.uk by Sunday 30 April.

GlasGowGreener Challenge – April 2023

Your team’s name / location is:


Our team representative is (name and email address):


Tell us a little about your team: For example -

  • Are you an operational venue (single or a group of venues)?
  • Do you deliver events, programmes or activities for customers?
  • Are you an office-based service or function?
  • How many people are in your team?


The Sustainability Champion your team has nominated is (name and contact details):


What activities that are sustainable and climate friendly have you started in 2023? (For example are you doing anything for Earth Day on 22 April?)


Is there anything you would like more information on?


Let’s all go greener

Glasgow Life’s Environmental and Sustainability Policy underpins the aims of our GlasGowGreener campaign, so please take the time to read it. For it to be successful, it’s vital that we all play our part in helping ensure sustainability is at the core of everything we do. We need to consider the environmental impact that every aspect of our daily activities has. We also need to work together to find ways of making positive changes, both as teams and individuals. That could, for example, be by sharing – rather than buying – more equipment, finding new ways to recycle or reduce waste, cycling or walking to work, using less plastic, ditching single-use disposables, or planting wildflowers for bees.

We want to build on everything we have achieved so far. That’s what our GlasGowGreener campaign is all about. The efforts of everyone involved in Glasgow Life’s environmental initiatives to date have helped us deliver great results.  Since 2015 we’ve succeeded in reducing our energy consumption by 26% and our carbon emissions by 45% - an amazing outcome! Now we need to do more throughout every part of Glasgow Life to accelerate the progress of our climate actions.

We have set up our Energy Efficiency Workstream again, renaming it the Sustainability Workstream. The team’s members are here to support everyone’s participation. You can reach out to them for help or guidance at sustainability@glasgowlife.org.uk.

Reflecting the greater focus on sustainability that we want everyone across Glasgow Life to adopt, our Energy Champions – who have done so much to help in our achievements to date – are being given the new title of Sustainability Champions. Please do support them in their role as our GlasGowGreener ambassadors.

Sign up now to GlasGowGreener

We need everyone across Glasgow Life to take part in our GlasGowGreener campaign. Not only will teams and individuals be rewarded for demonstrating they ‘mean green business’, getting on board means you’ll be helping make a real difference to the environment and climate crisis.

Thank you for reading this, and we hope you’ll support us on our GlasGowGreener journey. Don’t forget to submit your details by the end of this month for our first challenge. Then watch this space for May’s competition!