15 March 2024

Message from our Chief Executive: colleague feedback survey 2023 - Leadership Team commitments

Graphic of a pink speech bubble with text Colleague Feedback Survey

Our colleague feedback survey in September 2023 gathered the views of 42% of our colleagues across Glasgow Life. More than 1,000 of you shared your thoughts on how we can improve our working lives and celebrate all that we do across Glasgow Life.

By now you will have discussed the survey results for your team and agreed a set of meaningful commitments with your colleagues and manager. These should be relevant to your team and displayed in a colleague area.

Today I want to share with you the commitments myself and the rest of the Leadership Team (Jan Buchanan, Director of Finance and Corporate Services; Billy Garrett, Director of Culture, Tourism and Events; and Andrew Olney, Director of Libraries, Sport and Communities) have made to create the best possible working environment.

Our commitments are available to read now on our intranet and have been sent out as a poster to print and display in your colleague break areas. 

The Leadership Team and I have already started to work on these commitments, and we will keep you informed of our progress throughout the year. Your feedback will continue to inform the next steps for our charity as we continue to plan for a sustainable future.

By working together we can all be part of creating a great Glasgow Life.

If you have any questions about the colleague feedback survey results and commitments for your team, please speak to your line manager.

Kind regards



Susan Deighan

Chief Executive