18 April 2024

Message from our Chief Executive: Introducing our new Glasgow Life Behaviours

Headshot of a smiling person in an office. They are wearing glasses and a large colourful necklace.

Dear colleagues

I am delighted to share with you our new Glasgow Life Behaviours, which have been created with the input of more than 200 colleagues across our charity to support our Vision, Mission, Purpose, and Values.

Our behaviours are the way that we live our values every day. From our attitudes and the approach we take to our work and how we do things, to how we treat our colleagues and customers, and expect to be treated. What binds us all is that we are committed to making a difference through being inclusive, committed, and ambitious.

Why do we have a behaviours framework?

  • Our new behaviours framework provides a firm foundation from which we can deliver a powerful colleague and customer experience.
  • It identifies behaviour sets for three groups of colleagues - everyone, managers and supervisors, and senior leaders.
  • It reinforces the behaviours that, regardless of our role, we should demonstrate consistently in our everyday work.
  • It underpins effective performance, provides guidance for progression, and helps to define what 'good' behaviours look like in any role.

How will they be used?

Throughout February and March this year, over 450 managers and supervisors across our charity attended training on our new behaviours framework. From this month onwards, these new behaviours will replace competencies in our Performance Management discussions. Your line manager will talk you through how this will work and share some training tools with you each month to help you reflect on how you can use these new behaviours in your daily practice.

Our behaviours play an important role in continuing to shape the culture of our charity; building our capacity, and driving success in our performance as individuals, teams and as an organisation. You can read more about our new behaviours framework and explore some of the training resources on our intranet here: Our Glasgow Life Behaviours.

Kind regards


Susan Deighan

Chief Executive