Pre-Election Period guidance ahead of UK General Election on 4 July

Following the Prime Minister's decision to announce a UK General Election, to be held on Thursday 4 July 2024, it is expected that the Westminster Parliament will formally be dissolved this week, signalling the beginning of an official five-week election campaign.
At this point, Glasgow City Council and the wider council family will be subject to the Pre-Election Period (PEP), which will affect some of the normal functions of the Council. All colleagues are encouraged to read the attached Pre-Election Period guidance, which explains the rules that now apply in the run up to the General Election.
The general restrictions on party political activity apply at all times. The key points to note are that colleagues must act in a politically neutral way over the coming five weeks and particular care should be taken to ensure projects, activities, events, and communications during the Pre-Election Period are politically neutral - i.e. they cannot be perceived as seeking to influence public opinion or promote the public image of a particular candidate or political party.
Additionally, all council family facilities and resources must not be used in any way in support of a political party or election candidate, or for political purposes.
Restrictions on communication activity undertaken by local authorities and their ALEOs are contained in the 1986 Local Government Act and the associated Code of Recommended Practice on Local Government Publicity. The attached guidance explains the code, the effect of the restrictions, and further restrictions on colleague activity.
This advice does not cover every conceivable situation so you should consult your line manager or Head of Service if you are in any doubt. Queries can also be directed to Glasgow Life's communications team at
Managers, please make sure this information is shared with colleagues who do not have regular email access.