19 January 2024

Time to Talk Day - Thursday 1 February

Green banner with yellow text that reads Not tooo bad

It's more than just one day - let's get talking!

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Being able to normalise conversations about how we are feeling and chat openly about it, can empower others to start talking and seek the support they need.

Around one in four of us will experience mental health problems at some point in our lives, yet people are still afraid to talk about it. Often, we will automatically say 'Not too bad' when people ask how we are, without even thinking.

Thursday 1 February 2024 - 'Time to Talk' Day - is the perfect opportunity to start a conversation and chat openly and informally in the workplace about our mental health. It can help to break down stereotypes and improve relationships.

Take some time out to have a chat about mental health with a colleague - perhaps over a cuppa. This can make a real difference and show someone you care simply by listening. Making your catch up a regular occurrence too can have a positive lasting effect. Managers are asked to support colleagues to allow time for these conversations to take place.

Need top tips to start your chat?

For more information and support visit timetotalkday.co.uk and seemescotland.org.

If you would like to chat in confidence about anything that may be affecting your mental health, you can contact PAM Assist, our Employee Assistance Provider. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on freephone 0800 247 1100 or email counsellingteam@pamassist.co.uk / info@pamwellbeing.co.uk. You can find more information on PAM Assist on the Colleague information pages of our website here.