Updated Glasgow Life Induction

We have updated our Induction to Glasgow Life e-learning course on GOLD to include two new sections:
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Our new Glasgow Life Behaviours.
This course is mandatory for all new colleagues and must be completed within the first three weeks of employment, regardless of contract type, duration, or contracted hours.
You can complete the induction in stages, and it is accessible from your personal device, as well as from a Glasgow Life laptop or PC. Find details on how to log on to GOLD on the Learning and Development pages here.
Onsite Induction Checklist for New Colleagues
Managers of new colleagues also need to complete the Onsite Induction Checklist for New Colleagues.You can find this mandatory checklist and guidance notes for managers on the intranet. Once complete, the checklist should be scanned and emailed to CBS who will record on the employees SAP training record. Managers should store the original locally in the employee's training file.
Find all mandatory training at a glance
The Learning and Development team has updated the Mandatory Training Matrix, showing all mandatory training at a glance, and the Learning and Development Directory, which gives details of all training delivered in-house and information on other useful learning resources. You can find the most up to date versions of both of these documents on the intranet.