Bereavement, grief and loss

"Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim"- Vicki Harrison


Grieving the loss of a loved one is a natural and complex process that affects everyone differently , please find resources and support to help you navigate through the stages of grief.

Glasgow Life Support


Our conditions of service- leave allows

  • Up to five paid days bereavement leave if you are the partner, child, parent of child over the age of 18, or have a similar relationship with them. In other cases, you can take paid time off to attend the ceremony , and possibly time off to make preparations for it
  • Up to two weeks paid parental bereavement leave if you are the parent or primary carer of a child who dies under the age of 18 or is stillborn after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Leave can be taken anytime in the 56 weeks after the death; either in one continuous two week period, or two separate blocks of one week each

Find out more about the information that PAM Assist can provide here

Greif Café with Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice

Glasgow Libraries Reading List

People usually want to do the right thing when someone they know is affected by ill health, death or grief. But a lack of knowledge, time, experience or confidence can mean people don’t offer help. The books within this curated reading list may give you some thoughts and ideas on how to help when someone is dying or grieving.


You will find details of books that you can borrow in physical copy or as part of the e-offer.

Other organisations below who can support

Please find other resources to support you 

NHS Inform

Supporting LGBT+ people around bereavement.

Wellbeing Services- Self Help Guide

Barnardo's "How to explain death to children & young people"

Child Bereavement UK

MIND- Losing someone to suicide

Survivors of bereavement by suicide

Blue Cross pet loss support

Further Resources

The Grief Support Guide includes a very comprehensive directory of many organisations that can provide support

Information on Power of Attorney

In this guide