Eating Concerns

Eating Disorders

There are a number of different types of eating disorders, the most common ones are 

where a person tries to keep their weight as low as possible by strictly controlling and limiting what they eat.

anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. It’s a serious, potentially life-threatening, mental health condition.

people who have anorexia are very anxious about their weight and body shape. They try to keep their weight as low as possible by strictly controlling what they eat. Many people with anorexia will also exercise excessively.

they may also use other methods to try to control their weight, like using laxatives, vomiting after eating, and taking stimulant drugs

where a person overeats and then tries to avoid gaining weight by ‘purging’ – for example, by vomiting or taking laxatives

bulimia  is an eating disorder and mental health condition. People with bulimia are very anxious about their weight and focused on having the ‘right’ body shape. They also spend a lot of time thinking about food.


where a person feels they have to overeat through regular binges

Ian's blog about his experiences of living with an eating disorder

Abigail's story of living with an eating disorder

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