Mental Health
Mental Health
Adult Mental Health- Useful Apps, Helplines and Websites
Mental health problems range from the general worries and grief we experience as part of everyday life to the most desolate like depression. It is reported that 1 in 4 adults will experience mental health issues in any given year. Many of these mental health problems are mild and temporary and often manageable with help from
supportive trusted friends, families and colleagues. Prevention and early intervention is vital and recovery is possible with the right support and resources. For some, support may be required from an organisation who specialises in the area that is impacting on their mental health for example, bereavement or becoming a new parent.
It is important that those requiring support have a range of early intervention options and be signposted quickly to resources appropriate to their needs. This document whilst not exhaustive, provides a comprehensive offer of various helplines and websites that can be used to signpost individuals and their families to
Healthy Minds Pocket Guide
A mental health and wellbeing card providing details for mental health supports in 6 health & social care partnerships across Greater Glasgow