
Thinking about suicide is very common. It is estimated that up to 1 person in 20 is thinking about suicide at any one time.

Do you need immediate help?


Getting help in an emergency


If you don't feel you can keep yourself safe right now, seek immediate help.


» go to any hospital Accident & Emergency department
» call 999 and ask for an ambulance if you can't get to A&E, or tell someone and ask them to contact 999 for you


If you need some support right now, but don't want to go to A&E, here are some other options for you to try:

» call NHS 24 on 111
» call the Samaritans on 116 123, they're open 24 hours and are there to listen
» contact your GP for an emergency appointment


Are waiting for your call

Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you, they are here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Call 116 123 for free

You will also find other ways you can get in touch on their website here


Samaritans can also provide advice if you are worried about someone else

"Evidence shows asking someone if they're suicidal can protect them. Reaching out can save a life"

Rory O'Connor, Professor of Health Psychology at Glasgow University


Click here for more information

Breathing Space

Sometimes our thoughts and feelings can overwhelm us. It helps to get some Breathing Space. Pick up the phone - they are here to listen.

You can also contact them through a webchat , the details are on their website here


Shout is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging service for anyone who is struggling to cope and will help people who are sad, worried, lonely or suicidal and who need urgent, in-the-moment support.

Please click here to visit their website

If your child is struggling with suicidal thoughts

Other sources of help and support 

United to prevent suicide

Public Health Scotland

The Art of Conversation

Use the link below to find a guide to talking, listening and reducing stigma surrounding suicide.

In this guide