Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

Glasgow Life has a vision and commitment to bring culture and sport to everyone. We play a major role in the life of the city, providing a huge range of services for people living, working, studying in, or visiting Glasgow.
The reach and scale of our work means that what we do and how we do it has a big impact on the people who use our services and the city as a whole. That's why our approach to Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is fundamental to everything we do. Our Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy sets out our commitments over the next 5 years.
Glasgow Life's strategic EDI work is driven by our Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion Steering Group, which is made up of committed staff from across our charity. The EDI Steering Group is chaired and led by our Strategic Lead for Equalities and Director of Finance & Corporate Services.
Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
This strategy will champion our mission, help us achieve our vision and demonstrate our values.