Arts funding opportunities

Three visitors pause at one of Govan's murals to hear about its musical links

Commission - Artists in Communities Archive

NEW commission: We are looking for someone to curate a new interactive online archive of our Artists in Communities programme, for the Glasgow Life website.
Apply by 8 January 2025.

Apply now

Glasgow Life offers two regular arts funding opportunities, the Arts Development Scheme and the Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards.

If you would like us to contact you by email when either scheme opens for new applications, please email your details to  

Read more about these and other arts funding opportunities below

Small colourful ceramic tiles displayed together

Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards

The Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards (VACMA), run in partnership with Creative Scotland, are available for individual artists and makers, based or resident in Glasgow.

Applications for the next round of funding (2024/25) are open now. The next closing date is 4 February 2025

A group of school children sit together, laughing, in a school hall

Glasgow Life Arts Development Scheme 2024/25

The Arts Development Scheme supports arts and cultural organisations, and local community groups, with fixed awards.The deadline has now passed for 2024/2025, and there will be no further deadlines in this financial year.

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More information for artists