John Binnie, Robin Mitchell, Tina Freeland

John Binnie, Robin Mitchell and Tina Freeland are working collaboratively as part of Artists in Communities
'We are a playwright, photographer and percussionist respectively and we bring our skills together to bring voice to the community groups that we work with, producing lasting works, such as artworks, booklets, short videos of plays and music that reflect the thoughts feelings and views of the people.'
In their latest Glasgow Life Artists in Communities commission, John, Robin and Tina have been delivering writing, music and arts activities with adult groups at Lodging House Mission, NHS Restart, Bluevale Centre and Cassiltoun Creative Writing Group, as well as with school children from Riverbank Primary.
They plan to use the creative material generated by the workshops to develop a short, hard-hitting play that will explore issues relating to the environment. The participants' artwork will feature in the play, and they will also help create the scenery, which will be mainly made from recycled materials. The accompanying music will also be made predominantly with instruments created especially from recycled materials.
From January to March 2024 the artists will continue to work with the five community groups towards fine-tuning the play that will be written with, and performed by, community performers. The artists and the project participants hope to invite local, city and national decision makers to the performance so that ordinary peoples' voices can be embedded within the city’s climate and green action plans.
Keep up to date with their work by following their Facebook page
Pictured above: (L-R) John, Tina and Robin