Glasgow Life Artists in Communities have been bringing creative activities to people across the city. On this page, we give a snapshot of the variety of activity and the different communities who are benefiting.

Gaelic drama sessions at Sandaig School
An expressive moment captured at Sandaig School, where artists John Binnie and Màiri Morrison - one of our Gaelic-focused Artists - collaborated to run Gaelic drama workshops.
Photo by Robin Mitchell

Art Chats at The Fort
Rebecca Fraser ran weekly 'Arty Chats' at The Fort before taking this informal drop-in format on tour, with dedicated sessions for closed groups including Women’s Aid and The Charter Community Cafe, plus open events in Beardmore Park.
Photo courtesy of the artist

Pollok Kite Festival
Families have fun trying crafts and flying kites at this community event led by artist duo Hannah Brackston and Dan Sambo, with the Village Storytelling Centre. Additional workshops were generously offered by other community groups too: Spider Arts, Urban Roots and CCI.
Photo by SNS

Clean Air Campaigning
Walker and Bromwich have been focusing on the environment, and cycling, for their Artists in Communities project. Here, pupils from Sunnyside Primary School show off the protest signs they made as part of a 'Cycling the hidden Molendinar Burn' event.
Photo - Julia Bauer

Taking print workshops to the community - by bicycle!
An artist arrives by bike to deliver a screenprinting session at Cathcart Baptist Church, part of Deirdre Nelson's Artists in Communities activity in the south of Glasgow.
Photo SNS

Govan Mural Trail walking tours
Three visitors enjoy a mural trail produced by Artists in Communities The Glasgow Barons. Their work has also included support for Govan Music Festival, live local performances, and a songwriting project which gave local singer-songwriters a platform.
Photo SNS

Sharing Cowlairs Festival
A joyous festival crowd celebrates the regeneration of Cowlairs, a neglected corner of Possil, thanks to a long-running Artists in Communities project from Saffy Setohy, plus the dedication of local school children, community groups and individuals.
Photo SNS