Celebrating Seachdain na Gàidhlig (World Gaelic Week) 2025

Seachdain na Gàidhlig
Glaschu - Songs to a City by Màiri MacMillan
In 2024, Màiri MacMillan participated in Glasgow Life’s GUIR project and developed new Gaelic songs inspired by Glasgow and the Gaelic language within the city. At the end of the project the songs in their early development, were performed at Tramway, Glasgow. On receiving positive feedback Màiri decided to develop the songs further and record them as a legacy of the project.
Màiri worked with Haitian musician and composer Germa Adan who arranged and produced the album. Rory Matheson and Matt Carmichael along with Germa accompanied Màiri beautifully creating a very unique sound between them, bringing the songs to life. All tracks were recorded and engineered by Ross Saunders in GloWorm Studios in Glasgow with the recording process being completed in January 2025.
Although from South Uist, Mairi has lived in Glasgow for over 30 years and has come to know and love the city. She enjoys the many green spaces Glasgow has and felt inspired to write songs of her connection to these spaces. This includes time spent as a student to time exploring the many parks during the lockdown of 2020-2021.
Màiri believes that Glasgow is a welcoming city and people are welcomed by the decent people of Glasgow. Màiri is dedicating any profits made from the album to Refuweegee a charity which supports refugees who have made their way to Glasgow.
Glasgow is rooted in Gaelic language and many place names across the city have Gaelic origins. Mairi was inspired to include this in her songs. Glasgow will be celebrating its 850th year in 2025 and Màiri hopes this album of songs for the city will continue to shine a positive light on Glasgow and her people.
Two singles will be released from Màiri's album on Friday 28th Feb 2025 (Seud Luachmhòr / Precious Jewel) as part of Seachdain na Gàidhlig (Gaelic Week) and the others on 4th April (Glaschu / Glasgow).
The singles will be available in digital format and the album will be available in digital and CD format.
The singles and album are being released independently by Mairi MacMillan.