Community Based Adult Learning

Adults across Glasgow are taking part in learning where they are developing their skills and confidence, meeting new people and making positive changes.

Community-based adult learning groups offer different programs to help with reading, writing, spelling, and maths. They also provide support for learning English (ESOL) and digital skills. Adults learn in small groups with trained tutors who help them continue their learning journey.

Adult learning is available to anyone who is 16 or above.

Click on the sections below to find out more.

Please note, these classes are not suitable for tourists and visitors to Glasgow who are only staying for a short time.

To enquire about English Language classes contact us at

Don't forget to tell us which part of Glasgow you live in. This helps us connect you with the right Area Team.

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English for Speakers of Other Languages/ English as a foreign language

This section is for anyone aged 16 and over with English as a second language. It is designed for those who want to improve their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

These community and college classes are available at different levels. The first step is to attend an assessment session. This will help you find the class that fits you best

Improving English offers many benefits for learners. It helps them understand important information and express their opinions and ideas. They can meet people, make friends, and feel less isolated. It also increases employability, supports community integration, and improves health and well-being.

Call 0800 027 6402 for more information and to get started.

If you are 16 or over and live, work, or study in Glasgow, there are opportunities for you. You can improve your reading, writing, and numeracy skills. A range of free learning programmes is waiting to be discovered.

Adult literacy and numeracy learning is designed to meet individual needs and takes place in community venues across the city.

You may want to improve your skills for a range of reasons to help you get better at:

  • filling in forms

  • helping children with homework

  • understanding bills and bank statements

  • skills for work

  • understanding information to open doors to new opportunities

  • and much more

Some learning providers also offer qualifications.

Many adult learners not only develop new skills but also experience increased confidence. They often report improvements in their health and well-being. This boost helps them live fuller, more satisfying lives.

If you need help with reading, writing, and numeracy, there are two ways to find support. You can search our online database or call our Freephone helpline at 0800 027 6402.

For more information or to request promotional materials, please email

Community projects and other organisations deliver a range of learning courses across the city which can help:

  • Promote health and well-being, e.g. relaxation, healthy cooking, dementia training, positive mental health;

  • Develop employability skills 

  • Support cultural engagement and creativity, e.g. Museum-based programmes; craft classes, music workshops

  • Broaden involvement in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) related learning

Organisations promote their learning programmes in local libraries and other community venues.

Ionnsachadh Gàidhlig - Gaelic Learning

Glasgow Life offers sessions for adults, from basic Gaelic vocabulary to more advanced interactions about personal interests or current events.

For more information or to register your interest, email or call 0141 287 2839.

Tha Glaschu Beò a’ tabhann chlasaichean do dh’inbhich bho ìre tòiseachaidh gus an ruig iad ìre far am bi iad comasach air beagan Gàidhlig a labhairt agus sgileil ann an conaltradh mu chùisean pearsanta no tachartsan làthaireil. Tha sinn gu làithreach a’ dèanamh ath-sgrùdadh air ar tairgse agus a’ cur barrachd ris mar bhios a’ bhliadhna a’ dol air adhart. 

Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu na cothroman sin no airson ùidh a chlàradh, cuiribh post-dealain gu no cuiribh fòn air 0141 287 2839.

For more information visit Glaschu Beò

Many adults in community learning like the chance to get an award or qualification. Adult learning is made to fit what learners need. Getting a qualification is just one way to learn. If learners are interested, providers can help them show what they have learned and get their award.

Glasgow’s Learning partners help adult learners access a range of community-based programmes. These include vocational, accredited, credit-rated, and certificated learning. Examples are the Community Achievement Award, Adult Achievement Awards, SQA, and other qualifications.

For example, Adult Literacy and Numeracy learners can work towards SQA units in Communications and Numeracy. ESOL learners can also gain SQA qualifications at different levels.

The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) is Scotland’s national accreditation and awarding body. Its main purpose is to work with learning providers like us. It aims to offer high-quality, flexible, and relevant qualifications that are inclusive and accessible to all.

For more information, visit []

Find out how learner, Fatiha improved the quality of her life, day-to-day, after attending Glasgow Life ESOL classes.

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