Learning Provider Commitment

Glasgow’s Learning offers learners of all ages access to a diverse range of high-quality courses throughout the city, helping them improve their circumstances and work toward achieving their life goals.


All Glasgow’s Learning Partners commit to promote and practice within the CLD Values of:

  • Self-determination: respecting the individual and valuing the right of people to make their own choices
  • Inclusion: valuing equality of both opportunity and outcome, and challenging discriminatory practice
  • Empowerment: increasing the ability of individuals and groups to influence issues that affect them and their communities through individual and/ or collective action
  • Working collaboratively: maximising collaborative working relationships with the many agencies which contribute to CLD and/or which CLD contributes to, including collaborative work with participants, learners and communities
  • Promoting learning as a lifelong and life-wide activity: ensuring that individuals are aware of a range of learning opportunities and are able to access relevant options at any stage of their life
  • Promote and adhere to National Standards for Community Engagement and provide support for stakeholders to understand and implement these

Glasgow’s Learning Partners should deliver the Glasgow’s Learning Promise as well as the following commitments:

  • Raise awareness of the value of Community Learning and Development within your service and to partner organisations
  • Provide current and accurate information to effectively promote learning and signpost onto learning opportunities
  • Use assessment approaches to support learners to identify their strengths and areas for improvement
  • Support and value staff and volunteers who reflect on and improve their practice
  • Establish learning planning and reviewing processes with guidance in line with Glasgow’s Learning common approaches to support learners to set and meet their goals
  • Provide accurate information on other learning, training, volunteering and work opportunities to encourage learners to progress
  • Encourage and ensure regular and meaningful involvement of learners in evaluating, shaping and improving provision
  • Encourage learners to apply what they have learned in a range of contexts
  • Encourage learners to build on and extend the learning at home, at work or in their communities
  • Develop and deliver high quality learning provision which challenges learners and inspires them to progress onto other opportunities
  • Identify and tackle barriers to access and participation and promote inclusive practice
  • Gather, use and share data on the uptake, quality and impact of learning
  • Encourage staff and volunteers to access training, network with other learning providers and share best practice
  • Work with other Glasgow’s Learning partners to develop the range and quality of provision in the city
  • Encourage learners to celebrate their achievements and to participate in city events and forums
  • Address barriers to access and participation including for those with protected characteristics and ensure inclusive practice