Island Culture
Museum nan Eilean Lionacleit is on the Isle of Benbecula and is part of the Heritage Service operated by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the local authority for the Outer Hebrides. This is a sister museum of Museum nan Eilean, Stornoway which is on the Isle of Lewis.
Tha Taigh Tasgaidh nan Eilean Lìonacleit ann an Eilean Bheinn na Faoghla agus mar phàirt dhen t-seirbheis dualchais aig Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, ùghdarras ionadail Innse Gall. Tha e co-cheangailte ri Taigh Tasgaidh nan Eilean, Steòrnabhaigh a tha air Eilean Leòdhais.
Ceòlas provides a unique opportunity to experience the living tradition within a vibrant Gaelic landscape. The organisation seeks to celebrate, promote and nurture traditional music, language, culture and heritage, collaborating with local, national and international communities who have shared interests.
Tha Ceòlas a’ tairgsinn cothrom air leth eòlas fhaighinn air beul-aithris beò ann an tìr inntinneach. Tha am buidheann a’ cur luaidh air ceòl traidiseanta, cànan, cultar agus dualchas, a’ co-obrachadh le coimhearsnachdan ionadail, nàiseanta agus eadar-nàiseanta aig a bheil na h-aon amasan.
Shell Bus Cottage is a new project aiming to restore Flora’s cottage to its shell covered glory.
S e pròiseact ùr a tha ag amas air dachaigh Flòraidh a thoirt air ais gu bhith mar a bha e a tha ann an Shell Bus Cottage.
Below: Images from the collection of the Kildonan Museums, featuring work of both Flora Johnstone and Angus MacPhee
Gu h-ìosal: Deilbh a’ sealltainn na h-obrach aig Flòraidh NicIain agus Aonghas Mac a Phì bho chruinneachadh Taigh Tasgaidh Chill Donnain.
Kildonan Museum, South Uist