SPT subway carriage finds its new home at Riverside

orange subway carriage driven by a person

Next stop Riverside

Used every day by hundreds of city commuters and visitors is Glasgow Subway – fondly known as the ‘Clockwork Orange’ – so it’s fitting that one of its iconic carriages, has found a new home here at Riverside Museum. Check out Car 128, on display, below the popular bicycle velodrome now!

Four facts about car 128

  • Car 128 has been in use since the opening day of the modernised Glasgow subway system in 1980. 
  • These trains were nicknamed ‘Clockwork Orange’, in reference to their bright paint scheme and the fact they went round and round the circular system like the hands of a clock.
  • Car 128 was gifted to Glasgow Life Museums by Strathclyde Partnership for Transport.
  • Car 128 weighs approximately 12 tonnes.