The People’s Palace and Winter Gardens hosts a spectacular collection of the stories, images and memories of the people of our great city. It is a wonderful record of how Glaswegians lived, worked and played in years gone by.
The People's Palace opened in 1898, as a centre for culture and entertainment that would build community spirit and promote the health and wellbeing of Glasgow’s citizens. The people of Glasgow and far beyond hold it dear and we want everyone passionate about its future to help shape it.
What are the plans just now?
- The displays that tell the social history of Glasgow will still be in the People's Palace and they will be refreshed and improved
- The glasshouse frame of the Winter Garden's will be repaired and retained
- Entry to the museum and public spaces will continue to be free
- You will be at the heart of the development - we want the process to be inclusive and open
In partnership with New Practice, Glasgow City Council and Glasgow Life recently undertook a programme of public consultation for the People’s Palace and Winter Gardens. The consultation supported various opportunities for engagement - including public workshops, a pop-up event and an online survey - to ensure people living across Calton and the wider city had their say in the future of these buildings.
The final report summarising the outputs from the public consultation can be accessed here.
The findings from this consultation underpinned a recent Levelling Up Fund application made by Glasgow City Council and Glasgow Life to the UK Government, and the feedback will also be part of future bids to secure a significant proportion of the investment required to upgrade this treasured historic building, ensuring it has a sustainable, inclusive, and accessible future for generations to come.