About Glasgow Museums Resource Centre

Art and paintings, arms and armour, natural history, technology and world cultures - welcome to GMRC!
Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC) is the store for the museums' collections when they are not on display at our venues.
It is a vast building with rooms full of fantastic objects, from animals to armour, fine art to fossils, and much, much more. The main collections stored here are Art and Paintings, Arms and Armour, Natural History, Technology and World Cultures.
The 17 purpose-built and environmentally controlled storage ‘pods’ house around 1.4 million objects. In fact, only 2% of our collections are on display at any one time and the majority of the remaining objects are stored here.
Please note all that all visits must be through a pre-booked tour.
Collection Research Enquiries
Details of the collection can be viewed on our online Collections Navigator. You can arrange a research visit to see collection objects located at GMRC by sending a request to museums@glasgowlife.org.uk.
Other highlights to be found at Glasgow Museums Resource Centre