
At Kelvin Hall you can access digitised books, manuscripts, maps, photographs and films and more from our collections.
You are also able to consult thousands of searchable electronic journals, articles and reference works that are not generally available to the public.
The Moving Image Archive collection holds unique and rare footage and documents, many of which can only be seen at Kelvin Hall.
Staff are on hand to guide you and to help with enquiries.

Family history
Family history researchers visiting Kelvin Hall can use our growing range of digital resources. These include maps, films, Post Office directories, and much more.
We hold newspaper archives which give you the chance to search for past news stories or obituaries relating to members of your family.
Find out more about family history on the Library's website.
Academic research collaborations
As well as enabling academic research, we are already working with partner organisations to deliver world class research. Several collaborations are in progress, and we are keen to develop more.
Supporting academic research is one of the Library's strategic priorities as outlined.
Read more about our strategic priorities, and commitment to supporting academic research on the Library's website.