Glasgow Life launches survey to shape Glasgow’s Culture Strategy 2024-30

The cultural sector and people who live, work, study in and visit Glasgow are being invited to share their views to help shape Glasgow’s Culture Strategy 2024-30.
Glasgow Life is working with partners in the cultural and creative sectors to develop a new cultural strategy for Glasgow and help build the future health, prosperity and sustainability of the city and its people.
As the organisation leading the development of the strategy on behalf of the city, Glasgow Life has created an online survey to collect public feedback on the 2024-30 Culture Strategy’s emerging themes and key principles to inform the overall approach.
Responses to the survey will inform the final strategy document, which is expected to be considered by Glasgow City Council’s City Administration Committee in early 2024.
The strategy has been created to support the future of the city’s cultural sector. It prioritises Glasgow’s cultural profile, increasing and widening participation in cultural activities, creative skills, and sustainability.
The aim of the strategy is to make sure culture and creativity are valued and invested in so Glasgow can continue to share its distinctive culture with the world and welcome everyone to share theirs with the city. The strategy is also centred on celebrating and supporting the diversity of Glasgow’s creative workforce, programming, and communities.
Bailie Annette Christie, Chair of Glasgow Life and Glasgow City Council Convenor for Culture, Sport and International Relations, said:
“Glasgow already has a thriving cultural sector and, with work on Glasgow’s Culture Strategy progressing, we are keen to hear from everyone – artists, creatives, residents and visitors – to find out if the emerging priorities feel right and how they could be better supported. Our survey gives the public an opportunity to help preserve and strengthen Glasgow’s reputation as an internationally recognised hub of creativity.”The Glasgow 2024-30 Culture Strategy survey is available at – responses can be submitted until 5 November.