'Make it easier’ with Multiply123 numeracy courses and support

8 local authorities have joined forces to promote the Multiply123 numeracy programme – hundreds of funded courses and activities, free to local residents and available across the Region’s eight council areas.
A dedicated telephone helpline which launched this week, on freephone 0808 171 3030, will connect adults with Multiply support in their local council area. And a new website at www.multiply123.co.uk showcases help and support available across the Region.
Research from the National Numeracy Charity shows that 40% of the UK’s working-age population have the expected numeracy levels of a primary school leaver, and 30% of school leavers feel anxious about using maths and numbers.
The eight council leaders meeting this week for the Glasgow City Region Cabinet urged people to find out more and sign up.
Chair of the Glasgow City Region Cabinet and Leader of Glasgow City Council, Susan Aitken said:
“Numeracy in daily lives, home and work can mean budgeting household finances, helping children with homework, making more sense of statistics and facts in the media, or improving numeracy skills specific to your work.
“It’s estimated that one in ten people across the UK struggle with numeracy. These activities and courses are funded so there’s no cost to participants, and they’re specially designed to make it easier to use numbers and maths.”
As many residents work and spend leisure time across the eight council areas, the local authorities are working together to promote the Multiply offering in a wide range of ways.
“There are many benefits to the programme. People who improve their numeracy skills are more likely to be in employment, to secure higher wages and improve their wellbeing. Businesses who develop their employees’ numeracy skills can boost productivity and improve employee retention.
“In the year ahead, there’ll be a range of activities promoting the programme, with a dedicated telephone response line and a website with information and examples of the course available and case studies of people who’ve joined some of the courses.
“We’re also engaging with local agencies, organisations and large employers, asking for their support to promote the programme and encourage as many people as possible to take part.”
A number of key local organisations which are members of the Region’s Anchor Network have already committed to supporting the campaign.
Dr Emilia Crighton, Director of Public Health, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, said:
“As one of the largest employers in Glasgow and the wider city region, and an Anchor Network member, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde will support key initiatives that will improve the health and wellbeing of our residents and our considerable staff base. We look forward to working with the eight local councils to promote the Multiply campaign to elevate numeracy skills across the Region, through the various free courses and help available.”
Leanne Keegan, Head of Development and Corporate Services at Blue Triangle, said:
"Numeracy is an important skill that we use in our daily lives. However, many adults are lacking confidence in this area, which can impact on budgeting and paying bills. We warmly welcome the free help and support for adults to build numeracy skills and confidence being provided through the new Glasgow City Region Multiply initiative. Blue Triangle looks forward to promoting this service with our supported people."
Professor Josephine Pravinkumar, Director of Public Health and Health Policy, NHS Lanarkshire said:
“NHS Lanarkshire warmly welcomes the Glasgow City Region Multiply campaign which aligns with our own vision to promote health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities. As a large local employer and a Glasgow City Region Anchor Network member, we are delighted to be supporting this important initiative and will ensure our workforce are aware of the free support and resources available.”
The Multiply programme is funded by the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund. Multiply courses and activities are available for anyone aged 19 or over; without a maths qualification above SQA Level 5; and resident in Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire, Inverclyde, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, East Renfrewshire or Renfrewshire.
The Multiply helpline is on freephone 0808 171 3030 and the new website is available at www.multiply123.co.uk