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Displaying 121-130 of 338 results
Jenny Colgan - Shettleston Library Centenary Celebration
Jenny Colgan - Shettleston Library Centenary Celebration
Shettleston History Project
History event - Shettleston Library's centenary celebrations
Tom Laird - Local Author
Come along and share your recollections with Tom.
Out of this World: Meet the Zoology Curator
Free event
Art rock quintet
Quiz Night
Shettleston Library Centenary Celebrations Quiz
BBC SSO 2024/25: Thursday Night Series - MacMillan’s ‘Concerto for Orchestra’
BBC SSO 2024/25
An Audience with Celtic Legends: Martin O’Neill & Stiliyan Petrov
Celtic Legends
Kelvingrove Bites: Patricia Cronin, 'Memorial to a Marriage'
Back in the Day | Cancelled
Back in the Day
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