Social Media - House Rules

We want all audiences to enjoy a great community experience and encourage you to share comments/content on Glasgow Life's social media channels.
We want to help encourage kind and respectful conversations for our audiences to participate in, so they get the most value and have their voices heard.
This is why we’ve put together a few simple ‘House Rules’ around posting content.
We kindly ask that you please adhere to these so that everyone can get the most out of our social media channels:
We monitor our social media channels and expect that posts/comments/messages will not be…
(a) abusive, defamatory, indecent or obscene
(b) fraudulent, deceptive or misleading
(c) in violation of any intellectual property right
(d) in violation of any law or regulation or condone or encourage unlawful activity
(e) offensive, graphically or in tone
(f) contain links, viruses, corrupted files, or any software that may negatively impact users.
We strongly encourage users of our social media channels to respect others and the platform's Terms of Use and Community Guidelines. We reserve the right to remove content that is considered inappropriate or offensive on our channels.
Please do not use our social media channels as a medium for campaigning/lobbying, advertising, or promoting an individual, company or service.
Please do not ‘spam’ our social media channels – that is, posts containing the same, or similar, content posted multiple times.
If everyone sticks to the guidelines and contributes constructively and positively, we can enjoy open and respectful conversations.
If we find that our House Rules are being infringed then we’ll alert the person(s) responsible and take action, where necessary, to prevent it from happening, which could include followers being blocked from participating on our social media channels. That’s not something we want to do, so we ask you to ensure that your postings are relevant and add to the conversation.
Glasgow Life is not responsible for any 'user' posts and does not endorse any opinions expressed by users on our social media channels.