ASN Friendly Sessions

Information on ASN Friendly activity sessions in Glasgow

ASN Friendly Activity

Glasgow Life provide ASN Friendly times in our gyms, swimming pools and activities.

Activities are delivered with a reduced capacity, no music and lower levels of lighting.

Find more information on our partners delivery below.

ASN Friendly Sessions

Join our Family Additional Support Needs Play sessions! Perfect for kids and families to have fun and stay active with indoor activities like circle games, storytelling, arts & crafts, and free play with toys. 

£2.50 per child.

Click links above to book or contact centre directly. 

  • GC Tollcross: 0141 276 8282
  • GC Palace of Art: 0141 276 3896
  • GC Donald Dewar: 0141 276 0774

We delivery ASN friendly sessions in the soft play at Kelvin Hall every Wednesday.

These sessions are open to all and will have reduced capacity with lower sound and lighting levels. We will also have an area set up with sensory resources including toys, lights and soft matting. 

You can view and book sessions here

At our Additional Support Needs (ASN) PlayGym class all of the equipment is set out to encourage each child to explore their own imagination and stimulate learning, with a fully qualified coach on hand to help.

Classes are open for parents/guardians and pre-school children from crawling to 5 years old (pre-school) with additional support needs. Lighting will be reduced and noise will be minimal with no music, please note there is a maximum ratio of one adult to one children.

For some disabilities it may be necessary to seek medical advice prior to taking part in these sessions.

You can view and book sessions here

These free swim sessions are for kids with additional support needs and their families throughout the school holidays.

There is no need to book in advance, but booking is an option from 7-days ahead of each session if you'd like peace of mind.

You can view and book sessions here

We offer ‘quiet times’ in our Glasgow Club gyms.

This helps to create an inclusive, welcoming environment, particularly for members with autism, high levels of social anxiety and anyone who prefers working out in a quieter environment.

At these times there will be no music on the main gym floor. Music in (functional training) areas will be at a much lower level too.

Of course you’re welcome to bring your own music and wear headphones during these hours.

Find out more about our Quiet Times in Glasgow Club


Find an Activity

Glasgow Life works in partnership with Disability Sport Glasgow and various community organisations in the city.

We support the delivery of ASN Friendly and ASN only sessions.

Search activities delivered by Glasgow Life and partners for children with additional support needs.

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ASN PlayGym Activity

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