Physical Activity Information
Hello! Your health professional has referred you so that we can help you to become more physically active. We would be delighted to support you with your journey towards a healthier lifestyle!
We're here to provide you with the guidance and encouragement you need to get moving. While we can't offer free or discounted gym memberships or personal training sessions, we can offer invaluable support and resources to help you succeed.
Our dedicated team is here to offer specialist advice on physical activity tailored to your needs. They are passionate about promoting physical activity and are experts in guiding people towards their fitness goals. It's important to note that they are not physiotherapists and can’t provide injury rehabilitation services.
If you're feeling ready to get started, take a moment to explore the support options provided below. If it's not good timing for you and you’d prefer to step back, feel free to text OPT OUT along with your name and date of birth to 0141 287 8924. You can also give us a call on the same number to opt out.
Option 1 - Live Active - Specialist Physical Activity Support (Face to Face service)
Who is it for?
Live Active may be suitable if you:
- are inactive
- have one or more controlled long-term conditions or are at increased risk of a long term condition
- need high level of specialist support to participate in physical activity
What does it involve?
Your Live Active Advisor will help you find and participate in activities that boost your confidence in exercising with your condition, enabling you to be more active regularly. They will meet with you in person at a local leisure venue or by phone to set activity goals based on your priorities. Together, you will create a personalised support plan. This may include:
- Supporting you to access Live Active activity sessions* for up to 12 weeks. These include Health Walks, Supervised Gym Sessions and Circuit Classes – all suitable for people with a range of conditions
- Providing information about a wide range of free or low-cost activities* you may enjoy happening at our venues or in the local community
- Offering free trials of activities for a short period to enable you to find the types of activity that suits you best
- Designing home-based exercise plans if you are unable/prefer not to attend group activities
- Supporting you to find ways of keeping on track with your goals and overcoming set-backs
- Providing information on wider health & wellbeing topics that you may find useful such as healthy eating, alcohol, sleep and stress
- Providing information on other relevant NHS services such as weight management, smoking cessation or drug & alcohol support if you request this
- Offering regular face to face or phone call catch-ups for up to 12 weeks as you develop your activity habits and then further check in’s at 6 & 12 months to see if you need any further support
How do I get started?
If you meet the above criteria and believe Live Active is the correct support for you then there’s no need to take any further action. The team will contact you to schedule your first appointment. However, please note, there's currently an 8-10 week waiting list for this option.
We will try to contact you by phone and text. Our calls may come from an unknown number, but we will always leave a contact number for you to return the call. If we can’t reach you after these attempts, we will assume you don’t need support and will discharge your referral.
Live Active

Option 2 - General Physical Activity Support (telephone-based service)
Who is it for?
General physical activity support may be suitable if you:
- are inactive or doing a bit of activity but need some support to do more
- have one or more controlled long-term conditions or are at increased risk of a long term condition
- need medium or low level of general support to participate in physical activity
What does it involve?
Our telephone support assistant will listen to what matters most to you and provide appropriate support to enable you to be more active. This may include:
- Providing information about a wide range of free or low-cost activities* taking place at our venues or in the local community that you may enjoy. Popular activities include Vitality Long Term Condition Classes, Health Walks, Walking Football, Swimming, Dance, Social Racquet Sports, Community Gardens, Mens Sheds, Cycling Groups, Couch to 5k and local Community Sports Hubs activities.
- Supporting you to book gym appointments or set up memberships
- Supporting you to connect with an activity provider/leader by contacting them on your behalf to get more information or book you a space.
- Offer free trials of Glasgow Club activities for a short period to enable you to find the types of activity that suits you best
- Providing information on wider health & wellbeing services which you may find useful, including Live Well, Glasgow Life’s social prescribing programme
- Providing follow up calls to see if we can be of any further support
How do I get started?
If you meet the criteria above and think General Physical Activity Support is right for you, you don't need to do anything else. Our team will get in touch to discuss and get things started for you.
When we talk, we might decide together that you could benefit from more specialised support. If that's the case, we'll offer you the Live Active Specialist Support option.
Further info
Please note, there’s no charge for the support provided by staff with either option. However, there may be a fee for certain activities you choose. Our Advisors will discuss any activity costs with you before setting your goals and will always offer free and low-cost options, such as health walks, home-based programmes, or community activities.
Below are some of the questions we are asked most frequently about Option 1 – Specialist Support
Have a read through them and it may help you to decide if Specialist Support is the right option for you.
You will come along to the leisure centre of your choice (list of available centres below) and meet with your Live Active Advisor. Or you may choose to have a telephone or video call appointment. Your appointment will last around 30 minutes and during this time you will chat to your advisor about the types of activities you would like to take part in. Your advisor will then provide you with all the information you need to know about your chosen activities such as times, dates, venues, cost, what to wear, etc. You will also discuss the goals that you would like to achieve as a result of getting more active. Examples of goals that people often set themselves are to “get fitter”, “feel better” or “be able to walk up the stairs without feeling breathless”.
You are not charged a fee for your appointments with the Live Active Advisor. However, there is a cost to NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Glasgow Life of approximately £50 to provide these appointments. Because of this, we would ask you to fully consider if the Live Active Referral Scheme is right for you to allow us to minimise the number of missed appointments.
Depending on the type of activity you choose to take part in there may be a cost attached. If its leisure centre based such as fitness classes or the gym you can choose to take part on a “pay as you go” basis or as part of a monthly membership. Memberships start from as low as £18 per month or £12 per month if you meet the concession criteria. Your Live Active Advisor will discuss these options with you to ensure you receive the best value for money.
The Live Active Advisors can also provide you with information on free activities such as health walks, green gyms & home based exercise.
We will contact you at various points over the course of a year to support you with becoming and staying active. You will have the opportunity meet with your Live Active Advisor regularly via face to face, telephone or video call for the first 12 weeks. You will then be followed up by one of our support team for up to a year.
You can also choose to attend the group based gym sessions, health walks or fitness classes that are led by your Live Active Advisor meaning that you will have weekly contact with them.
We know from research and experience that when you set yourself a goal you are more likely to make a change. By being part of Live Active you are making a decision to become more physically active and we know that setting yourself goals will help you do this.
No, you don’t need to come to Live Active appointments for this. You can book a gym appointment with a member of the Glasgow Club gym team who will be happy to create a personalised gym programme for you. Call 0141 287 8924 to book your gym appointment.
No, if you don’t require support to start exercising you should not attend Live Active appointments. Please call us on 0141 287 8924 to let us know that you don’t require the support of Live Active so that we don’t continue to contact you about the programme. While we are speaking to you we can help you with booking a gym appointment or accessing fitness classes as well as providing information on health walks, walking football sessions and a wide range of other activities.
No, we can’t offer you one to one personal training as part of Live Active. Glasgow Club offer personal training that you can pay to access. To enquire about Glasgow Club personal training please email personaltrainingenquiries@glasgowlife.org.uk
Once you have completed your first appointment you can use ANY of our Glasgow club venues to exercise.
Our goal at Live Active is to provide you with the confidence and knowledge to become independently active by the time your 12 months on the scheme has come to an end. While you will no longer need to attend Live Active appointments you will be able to continue with your chosen activities for as long as you wish!
No, we wouldn’t usually accept a re-referral. During your time on the programme you will work with your Live Active Advisor to build your confidence to independently exercise. As part of this, your Live Active Advisor will work with you to prepare you with the skills and information you need to make sure that you can continue exercising once your time with Live Active comes to an end. You’ll be so well prepared that you won’t need us anymore!
Live Active appointments are available at the following Glasgow Club venues
Easterhouse Pool
Emirates Arena