Managing Your Money

Planning your Finances!
For your club to thrive, a good understanding of how to manage your finances is vital.
From looking after your finances to attracting funding we will help you to look after your money.
Take our free health check to see where we can help!
We are here to help!
Glasgow Life - Sport have a team of development officers dedicated to helping community organisations.
Our officers will support your club on a range of topics to help you operate more effectively.
We have included some areas to think of below and would encourage you to complete our free health check and we will be in touch.
Having basic procedures in place will help you run a sustainable club. These include:
- A long and short-term budget plan
- A good routine for checking your club's finances
- An appropriate bank account with at least 2 unrelated signatories
- A nominated club treasurer to manage finance and produce an annual report
- Awareness of how much it costs to run your club every month
- Clear processes for taking membership fees
- The right legal status to manage your finances
- Sharing your club's finances with members regularly, at least at an AGM and end-of-year report
Clubs should be aware of the funding opportunities available to them. Funding can be for various areas attached to growing membership and opportunities.
When identifying funding, it’s important to make sure:
- You have a plan and the fund/project aligns with your club's aims and goals
- You measure the impact of the funding from the start of the programme to help with future reports
- You have the time to commit to delivering the project
- You have spoken to the funders to talk through the fund and match ideas
Clubs should consider ways they can generate income. Consider the following:
- Is your club's income from a variety of sources?
- Do you regularly consider ways to generate income?
- Are your membership fees set at the right level?
- Is your club attractive to sponsors?
- Are you regularly fundraising? This can bring members together as well as generate income.
Not sure how to write your funding application?
Our sports development team can help you with that. We offer a 'check and return' service where we give you feedback on what you have written so far. All you have to do is email us at grants@glasgowlife.org.uk
Glasgow Life Supports
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Discover More
Finding your Home
Learn how to find and make the perfect home for your activity.
Develop and Grow
Learn how to communicate effectively with members and raise the profile of your organisation.
Knowing your Community
Learn how to engage your community to make sure your activities attract new members and volunteers.