Getting Started
Not ridden the velodrome before?
- Step 1 - Fill out a quick online registration form so you can book your first session
- Step 2 - Check your email for a welcome message from Glasgow Club with a one-time PIN number that'll let you set up a booking password
- Step 3 - Book your first "Adult Accred 1" or "Junior Accred 1" session by logging into our mobile app or booking website or you can pop in to the Emirates Arena or call us on 0141 287 7000.
What's on in the next 7-days is shown online and in our app. If you want to see the timetable for a full month you'll find it here (though please note it's subject to change).
Already an Accredited Rider?
Once you've completed and passed the four accreditation levels you can book "accredited ride" sessions to enjoy an hour's riding with others. You'll also find DST sessions (Discipline Specific Training) - 2 hours of coaching to help you hone your track skills and fitness, Derny Accreditation sessions where you'll learn to ride safely behind the derny bike, and more.
Book now by logging into our mobile app or booking website or you can pop in to the Emirates Arena or call us on 0141 287 7000.