Getting Started

Not ridden at the BMX track before?
Please note to ride the track you must be aged 8 years or over and a confident bike rider
Step 1 - To book your first session, if you already have a Glasgow Club membership or have registered for a free Pay As You Go booking account you can skip to step 3. Otherwise, please register as an under 18 or register as an adult first
Step 2 – Look out for an email from Glasgow Club that will tell you how to set a password for your booking account and a note of your member ID (vital if more than one account is registered with the same email address)
Step 3 – Download the Glasgow Club App and add “Glasgow Club In the Park” from the list of clubs, or visit our Online Booking Page and book your first “Intro to BMX Session” – NOTE: you can use the “forgot password” link and enter your email
You will need to book an Accreditation Session level 1 to get started on the track. Check out our timetable for availability.
Cost per session: £14 Adult / £10 Juvenile
After successfully gaining accreditation level 1 and 2 you can book a selection of different coach led sessions that you will find on the time table!
Spaces are limited so booking on line is essential.
Full BMX safety equipment is provided, including purpose build BMX bikes, CE marked full face helmets, gloves and elbow and knee pads (for those riders under the age of 16). You just need to wear long trousers, a long sleeved top and shoes/trainers.