
I never imagined that I would call Glasgow home.
I met my wife at a performance in the Garage. After half a decade and 22,000 cumulative miles I made the move from Toronto to build our home here. Our son arrived in 2018.
One day I followed him into Pollok Library. When he saw the children’s book section and activities, it would become one of his favourite places to visit on our adventures.
I asked the staff if they were in need of volunteers. I was always taught to believe that changes in society start with improvements in your community. Any contribution, no matter how small make life easier and more enjoyable for everyone.
I signed up for the Digi PALS programme. It’s perfect for me. I grew up with computers. My childhood home in Canada was one of the first houses on the street with an internet connection. Computers are an essential part of my day to day.
Volunteering as a Digi PAL has allowed me to connect with a new community. I share my skills and knowledge with the people that need it most. It has provided me with a new perspective. I am very grateful for this opportunity. I am sure the people that I serve are grateful for the help.
I would encourage anyone to volunteer. It’s through this process that a single person can make a difference and change the lives of their peers. Any contribution, no matter how small makes life easier and more enjoyable for everyone.