

Our reputation and success in achieving our vision of "Everyone deserves a great Glasgow life" is dependent on the service delivered by our employees. Every day our employees act as the ‘face’ of Glasgow Life, meeting people who live in or visit the city. Therefore, it’s essential that we have the right people in the right place at the right time; this involves a commitment to achieving the highest standard of best practice during our recruitment and selection process, our recruitment panels follow our best practices as laid out in the documents below when leading any recruitment campaign.

Recruitment Guidance Documents



Role Profiles


To assess suitability for a post Glasgow Life follow Competency Based Recruitment which is linked to our Competency Framework. This focuses on the knowledge, skills, and competencies most important for the vacancy, as detailed in the Person Specification and Role Profile.   

You will be asked questions based on the competencies listed on the role profile. Think about everything you have done and achieved which relates to the competencies for the role.

Give an example of how you have demonstrated the skill or quality by describing a real-life situation you have been in. We are looking for specific examples of how you have approached problems, tasks and challenges. When structuring your answers please adopt the SAOR model as detailed below:

Identify and briefly outline a specific situation in line with a key competency of a post.

Explain what action you took in relation to the situation.

Define the actual outcome, particularly of the action you took.

And finally, identify on reflection what exactly you learned from the
experience, whether the actual outcome was effective, what successes were achieved, what improvements could have been made and what could you have done better / different, and how that might have been achieved. (This is a key part of the process!).

Please find more information in the documents below:

Pre-Employment Checks

Where a Glasgow Life employee is successful in securing another role within the organisation, we are required to carry out the following pre-employment checks:

  • Proof of eligibility to work in the UK

  • PVG/Disclosure (if required)

  • Declaration of Interest ( if required ) 

Safeguarding and Disclosure Scotland


Glasgow Life staff and volunteers are aware of the principles of Safeguarding and Child Protection. We will ensure that our services are designed and delivered in a way that is free from harm and upholds participants rights. We will ensure that everyone working on behalf of Glasgow Life knows how to act on our procedures if there are signs of potential harm.

Disclosure Scotland and Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG)

The Disclosure Scotland and PVG process is designed to help us make safer recruitment and appointment decisions in relation to paid and unpaid positions.

Glasgow Life uses Disclosure Scotland checks to ensure a robust recruitment process is followed and that it discharges its legal responsibility to ensure the suitability of those who are recruited to work with children and/or protected adults through safer recruitment practices.

Please find more information in the documents below:

Internal Vacancies

Please review our Join Our Team section

Additional support for managers

In this guide

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