12 April 2024

Netherton Community Centre 50+ Group hosts Easter party

The new 50+ Group at Netherton Community Centre hosted a fun-filled Easter party following the successful introduction of the organisation by Glasgow Life's Community Asset Team.

There was plenty of laughter, as a gathering of 30 participants and volunteers enjoyed an Easter bonnet competition and a song and dance session, with William McFarlane leading the entertainment.

Glasgow Life's Community Asset Team worked in partnership with Anne Harvey (Knightswood Connect), Charlie Murphy (Age Scotland) and Ellen Wright (High Knightswood Community Council) to organise its Easter party.

The group has also developed a new partnership with Oakbridge Care Home, with some residents and carers visiting on the day.

The 50+ Group is looking to continue to grow in numbers in the future and meet every Wednesday at the centre, helping to bring Netherton Community Centre back to life.

Annmarie Waddell, Community Services Supervisor, is looking to establish a committee and additional volunteers to develop this group.

Email annmarie.waddell@glasgowlife.org.uk for more information.