19 December 2023

Update from Glasgow City Council on new pay and grading structure

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The Chief Executive of Glasgow City Council, Annemarie O'Donnell has issued an update on the council's plan for a new Council Family-wide pay and grading structure. You can read the update in full below:

Message from Chief Executive of Glasgow City Council, Annemarie O'Donnell


I said I would update you when more information was available about the plan for pay and grading. Senior officers have continued to work in partnership with our Trade Unions on this planning and the information below provides details about what you can expect as we work towards an implementation date in the later part of the financial year 2024/2025.

As you are already aware, job evaluation is the route to laying the foundation for a fair pay and grading structure (PGS) - providing everyone with equal pay for equal work. Job evaluation will provide a rank order of all jobs, based on the demands of each job, on which we will design the new PGS.

Around 80% of employees are in "Primary benchmark jobs" and the data from these evaluations will provide us with information to start pay modelling and developing the new pay and grading structure. We expect the rank order for Primary benchmarks to be concluded in the Spring of 2024 to form the base of progressing consultation with the Trade Unions.

All other employees are within a Secondary benchmark or Unique jobs, and these will continue to be evaluated and the data fed into the ongoing work to design the new PGS. 

The pay modelling and consultation process with Trade Union representatives will continue throughout the Summer and early Autumn, with a shared aim of reaching agreement on new arrangements.

In the Autumn of 2024, we expect to be finalising the Council's proposed pay and grading structure and tell you what this will mean for you, on an individual basis. When we reach this stage, we will also be able to confirm any elements of pay protection and back dating of pay, to the effective date of 15 October 2023, which are appropriate to you.

You will have the right to appeal the results of your job evaluation outcome and information about how you can do this will be provided by the end of October 2024.

Before any changes are made you will be given plenty of notice. We are currently scheduling the implementation of the new PGS for February 2025.

There is still a long way to go on the complex path to a new pay and grading structure. We are determined to work at pace, in close dialogue with your Trade Unions, and ensure the integrity and transparency of the process.

I very much appreciate the significant effort from colleagues who have contributed to the job evaluation process to date and look forward to wider involvement as we finalise the evaluations for Primary benchmark roles and move into the Secondary benchmark and Unique role processes. There is a very busy and intense year ahead as we work together to remove uncertainty and meet the commitment to equal pay for all colleagues. 

Although I can't answer questions about individual circumstances you can send questions to me at Ask Annemarie and I will ask officers to publish frequently asked questions to help support you all during this time. You can read the latest questions and answers on the website at www.glasgow.gov.uk/staffupdates - new pay and grading structure.


Annemarie O'Donnell

Chief Executive