The National Piping Centre

Cèilidh a Bhaile Mhòr

Cèilidh a Bhaile Mhòr
Dates and times
Sunday 26th Jan 2025
Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.
Steering the evening will be acclaimed artists Dr Alasdair C. Whyte, Mairi MacMillan, Martainn Skene, and Scotland’s Makar Peter MacKay, as well as some other special friends.     

Alasdair is a Gaelic singer, performer and writer, who belongs to Mull and Morvern. He won the men’s gold medal at the Royal National Mòd in 2006, aged 19, and released his debut album Las in 2012. Eloquent, impassioned and powerful, Las has been described as ‘a landmark recording that will appeal to fans of Runrig and Julie Fowlis while smouldering with a heartwarming intensity that’s all its own’. 

Mairi is a Gaelic singer and songwriter from the island of South Uist.  She released her debut album Gu Deas in 2021 and since then she has released EPs individually with The Edinburgh Quartet.  She will shortly release her first self-penned album, all songs inspired by the City of Glasgow: Glaschu – Songs to a City.   

Màrtainn is traditional musician, from Lochaber, out of the West Coast tradition of dance music.  He was a semi-finalist in BBC Radio Scotland's Young Traditional Musician in 2019 and his band was nominated in the MG Alba Scots Trad Music Awards 2022 and they have performed in numerous occasions on BBC Radio Scotland's long-running ‘Take the Floor’. 

Peter, the first Gaelic speaking Scottish Makar, is an expert in Scottish and Irish literature from 1800 onwards.  He has published acclaimed poetry collections, including Gu Leòr / Galore and Nàdur de / Some Kind Of – both shortlisted for the Saltire Scottish Poetry Book of the Year. A New Generation Thinker (a scheme run by the AHRC with the BBC) and regular broadcaster on Radio 3 and BBC Radio nan Gàidheal, he brings extensive literary and cultural expertise to the role.

Bidh an luchd-ealain, an Dr Alasdair C. MacIlleBhàin, Màiri NicIlleMhaoil, Màrtainn Skene, Pàdraig MacAoidh, Bàrr-bhàrd na h-Alba, agus caraidean sònraichte eile a’ stiùireadh tachartas na h-oidhche.

Is e seinneadair, cleasaiche agus sgrìobhadair Gàidhlig a th’ ann an Alasdair a bhuineas do Mhuile agus a’ Mhòr-bheinn. Bhuannaich e bonn òir nam fear aig a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail ann an 2006 aig aois 19 bliadhna agus dh’fhoillsich e Las, a’ chiad chlàr aige, aig Watercolour Music ann an 2012 – Deas-bhriathrach, dùrachdach agus cumhachdach, tha ‘Las’ na chlàradh sònraichte a bhios tarraingeach do luchd-leantainn Runrig agus Julie Fowlis, ach a tha aig an aon àm laiste de dèinead blàth-chridheach a tha sònraichte dha fhèin a-mhàin. (Caoimhin MacNèill: ‘The Stornoway Way’; ‘The Brilliant & Forever’).  

Is e seinneadair Gàidhlig agus sgrìobhaiche òrain a th’ ann am Màiri à Uibhist a Deas.  Dh’fhoillsich i Gu Deas, a’ chiad chlàr aice, ann an 2021 agus on uair sin tha i air EPan fa leth fhoillseachadh le Ceòl-Ceathrair Dhùn Èideann. Ann an ùine nach bi fada, bidh i a’ foillseachadh a’ chiad albam a sgrìobh i fhèin, le òrain air am brosnachadh le Baile Ghlaschu: Glaschu – Songs for a City.  Tha Màrtainn na cheòladair traidiseanta à Loch Abar, a’ lìbhrigeadh ceòl dannsa air nòs a’ Chosta an Iar.  Bha e san fharpais chrìochnachaidh aig Ceòladair Traidiseanta Òg BBC Rèidio Alba ann 2019 agus chaidh an còmhlan-ciùil aige ainmeachadh ann an Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta Albannach MG Alba ann an 2022 agus tha iad air a bhith a’ gnìomhadh iomadach uair on uair sin air a’ phrògram aithnichte Take the Floor aig BBC Radio Alba. 

Is e Pàdraig a’ chiad bhàrr-bhàrd Albannach a-riamh le Gàidhlig agus tha e na eòlaiche air litreachas na h-Alba agus na h-Èireann bho 1800 agus às a dhèidh, air cruinneachaidhean bàrdachd chliùiteach fhoillseachadh a’ gabhail a-steach Gu Leòr / Galore agus Nàdar de / Some Kind of,  leis na dhà dhiubh air geàrr-liosta Leabhar Bàrdachd na Bliadhna aig Duaisean Crann na h-Alba. Mar Mheòraiche a’ Ghinealaich Ùir (sgeama air a ruith le AHRC còmhla ris a’ BhBC) agus mar chraoladair cunbhalach air Radio 3 agus BBC Radio nan Gàidheal, tha e a’ toirt leis ealantas farsaing agus cultarach don dreuchd.
Bidh a’ mhòr-chuid den tachartas seo ann an Gàidhlig ach tha fàilte bhlàth ro na h-uile. 

This event will mostly be in Gaelic but all are welcome. 

This project is supported by Maoin nan Ealan Gàidhlig, funded by Creative Scotland through the National Lottery with additional support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

Booking Information

*A 12% booking fee is included in the ticket price, as advertised. At check-out this fee will be shown separately for receipt purposes and to ensure the face value of your ticket is correct. Prices are subject to change. Prices may vary on the night of a show. Transactions fees may vary depending on event.

Dispatch Charges

E-tickets - Free of charge
Fulfilment Fee - £1.95

Transaction Charges apply as follows

Online up to £1.50
Phone up to £1.75
Counter/ In Person: Free

Tickets Booking Line:
0141 353 8000.
Lines open Monday-Saturday 09:00-17:00 (excluding Bank Holidays). Please check opening hours over any Bank Holiday period.

To view the full Ticket Purchase Policy please click here

Restoration fund

From 1 September 2024, for any new events going on sale at our Concert Halls venues (Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, City Halls and Old Fruitmarket and Kelvingrove Bandstand), a new Restoration Fund of £1.50 per ticket may be added at checkout. To view the full Restoration Fund T&Cs please click here


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