23 October 2023

GlasGowGreener October update

A graphic of leaves inside a lightbulb with text 'Glasgow Greener'

Welcome to our October update on GlasGowGreenerGlasgow Life’s sustainability campaign which is designed to help us all play our part in supporting the charity’s climate actions.

Well done to everyone who rose to the challenge last month by completing the first module of the Green Champions Training Course and short follow-up quiz. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about how to use resources more efficiently and found the information you learned valuable.

If you’ve not yet had a chance to explore the Green Champions course – which is freely available online – we’d still encourage you to find some time to take advantage of it. It’s a great way to boost your resource efficiency know-how and find out about ways to improve environmental performance, while saving money too. The information and tools the course offers will not only benefit your service area or venue, they can be applied to any setting.

With winter just around the corner – and gas and electricity prices high – there’s certainly no better time to find out how to be more resource and energy efficient, both at work and at home.

Are you up for our winter energy challenge?           

We need to start getting prepared now for the cold months ahead, so this month we’ve a winter energy GlasGowGreener challenge for you. 

There are some basic steps we all need to get right to save energy, so we’ve highlighted these in the attached poster. We’re asking you to help raise energy-saving awareness across Glasgow Life by sharing the poster, and the key tips it highlights, with colleagues in your service area or venue. You can also print a copy of the poster and post it on staff area notice boards so those who don’t have access to computers know the simple steps they can take to reduce energy use and costs.

Once you’ve shared these ‘golden rules’ with your colleagues, chat to them about any other ways they’ve found to save energy. Then complete the table below and send these energy-saving suggestions or recommendations to our Sustainability Team, by Friday 10 November, at sustainability@glasgowlife.org.uk.  We’ll then share these ideas across Glasgow Life to help others benefit from them.

GlasGowGreener Challenge – October 2023

Your team’s name / location is:


Our team representative is (name & email address):


The Sustainability Champion your team has nominated is (name and contact details):


What winter energy-saving ideas have you and your colleagues come up with? Tell us about any suggestions and recommendations that others in Glasgow Life might be able to benefit from – both at work and at home.


Thank you for getting involved in this month’s challenge; we really appreciate your support of our sustainability campaign. And as always, watch out for next month’s GlasGowGreener update!