
Adrian Turpin, Ann Landmann, Katalina Watt & Ruth Wishart - What Have We Ever Learned from Book Festivals?

Adrian Turpin, Ann Landmann, Katalina Watt & Ruth Wishart - What Have We Ever Learned from Book Festivals?
Free - Drop-in - no ticket required
Dates and times
Saturday 21st May 2022
Adult, Over 14s only. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.

This is an online event available to watch on

Scotland has a diverse network of book festivals numbering well over 60!

Adrian Turpin of Wigtown Book Festival, Ann Landmann of Cymera and Ruth Wishart of Cove & Kilgreggann Book Festival discuss the impact and value of book festivals in Scotland's cultural landscape and will be joined by Katalina Watt from Creative Scotland.

What role will book festivals play in cultural wellbeing and economic recovery as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic? What makes Scotland so distinct in its love of reading and all things literary, The impact of book festivals and authors events for children's learning and literacy and the role they play in connecting communities will all be on the table for discussion.

A must for book lovers and festivals fans - come along and join the conversation.

An event in association with Scottish Book Festivals Network.

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